I personally like to do an autumn cleaning, just like a spring cleaning. It's time to get rid of the spider webs lurking in the corners. Give everything a thorough cleaning before winter sets in.
I also find it a good time to replace the white vinegar and water I mixed up in a spray bottle in the spring. See if I need a new box of baking soda as well. As we all probably know, these two ingredients can get just about all of our cleaning done. Who needs strong, potentially harmful chemicals in their house?
Also, let's not forget Borax. I use it in my laundry to help with the hard water found here in south central Indiana. It can also be used to clean up pet stains and odors, can be used as a bug controller, and a general household cleaner. You can find it in the laundry section at the grocery store. Which reminds me, I am out of borax.
Not to change subjects, but I received a Lehman's catalogue in the mail yesterday. It's like an old time wish book, considering I like practical, rural, older things. As I flip through the pages, it's a trip down memory lane, as well as a reminder of some tips and tricks I was taught, or saw my grandmother use as she went about her day.
I believe we should live our lives with a mix of old and new things. If we come up with a nice blend of new technology, old fashioned habits, and experience, I think we're better able to handle the times when things go awry, such as when we go through a power failure due to inclement weather.
Tip for cleaning: Use a microfiber cloth to dust, and cut out the use of dust sprays. These cloths work great, pick up any mote of dirt, pet hair, lint, etc. Are easy to clean in hot water, and are very reusable. Find them at any dept. store, usually in the auto section.
~ Paula